Red League

Solved correctly Total solved / time
EKBM 21 21 / 33m 56 s
kirarin 21 21 / 1h 1m 22 s
WMathie 21 21 / 2h 3m 24 s
SuperHero 21 21 / 2h 17m 46 s
Dodine 21 21 / 2h 52m 28 s
Avaya 21 21 / 7h 30m 39 s
strozo 20 21 / 1h 3m 9 s
Kota Morinishi 20 20 / 54m 47 s
Vinceñt 20 20 / 1h 7m 46 s
kawatea 20 20 / 1h 19m 41 s
JJK 20 20 / 1h 31m 58 s
lambda 20 20 / 1h 58m 47 s
Maurice B 20 20 / 2h 2m 20 s
Vlad Klyachin 20 20 / 2h 16m 40 s
David McNeill 20 20 / 3h 0m 12 s
Azarika 20 20 / 14h 35m 6 s
LukaszB 19 20 / 1h 30m 17 s
high 19 20 / 12h 51m 15 s
banro 19 19 / 1h 35m 32 s
AJ Moore 19 19 / 2h 46m 17 s
League ranking based on the number of daily puzzles of the month solved during the month without error submissions. The total number of solved puzzles and solving time are considered as additional ranking parameters.
5 bottom solvers after end of the month will be downgraded to Orange League